Cosmology and Astronomy Researchers of Indian Nationality and Sisters

Colloquium series by CARINAS
We are excited to present you the sixth edition of our (fully virtual) colloquium series! Here, we will celebrate the research and leadership by Indian women Astronomers and Cosmologists across the globe.
Please register using the form to obtain the zoom link.
Abstract: I will give an overview of some of the different magnetic phenomena in astrophysical systems. In particular I will talk about the current theoretical work we are doing that can impact studies related to star/galaxy formation, accretions disk-jet connections, early universe magnetic fields, nonthermal emission in galaxy clusters.
If you have any suggestions for the next speaker(s), contact us with their name, email address, affiliation and a brief summary of their work (preferably with supportive online resources, e.g., their website).
Previous Colloquia
Organizing team: Namrata Roy, Sanskriti Das, Prakriti Pal Choudhury, and Manami Roy