Cosmology and Astronomy Researchers of Indian Nationality and Sisters

Colloquium series by CARINAS
We are excited to present the 11th edition of our (fully virtual) colloquium series! Here, we will celebrate the research and leadership by Indian women Astronomers and Cosmologists across the globe.
Please use this zoom link to attend the talk.
Abstract: Our understanding of the early Universe can be vastly improved by the detection of a few faint and rich cosmological global signals. In my talk I will discuss two of these, namely CMB spectral distortions from the Epoch of Recombination, and the global redshifted 21-cm signal from the Cosmic Dawn & Epoch of Reionization. I will also share some ongoing experimental efforts at RRI to detect these signals from ground and in space.
If you have any suggestions for the next speaker(s), contact us with their name, email address, affiliation and a brief summary of their work (preferably with supportive online resources, e.g., their website).
Previous Colloquia
First organizing team (Nov 2023): Namrata Roy, Sanskriti Das, Prakriti Pal Choudhury, and Manami Roy