Cosmology and Astronomy Researchers of Indian Nationality and Sisters

Publications led by CARINAS
Year of publication
  1. Akshatha K Vydula et al. 2024, Low-frequency Radio Recombination Lines Away from the Inner Galactic Plane
  2. Ashwin Devaraj, Shwetha Nagesh et al. 2024, Insights into the phase-dependent cyclotron line feature in XTE J1946+274: an AstroSat and Insight-HXMT view
  3. Meera Nandakumar et al. 2024, Observational evidence for local vertical constraining of H I by molecular cloud complexes
  4. Namrata Roy et al. 2024, JWST Reveals Powerful Feedback from Radio Jets in a Massive Galaxy at z = 4.1
  5. Radhika Dharmadhikari et al. 2024, Development of an alignment device for the Prototype Segmented Mirror Telescope
  6. Sanskriti Das et al. 2024, Detection of diffuse HI emission in the circumgalactic medium of NGC891 and NGC4565 - II
  7. Sanskriti Das et al. 2024, Detecting the Effect of Nonthermal Sources on the Warm-hot Galactic Halo
  8. Sushmita Agarwal et al. 2024, Imprint of "Local Opacity" Effect in Gamma-Ray Spectrum of Blazar Jet
  9. Swarna Chatterjee et al. 2024, A New Enigmatic Radio Relic in the Low Mass Cluster Abell 2108
  10. Veena V S et al. 2024, Star formation in extreme environments: A 200 pc high velocity gas stream in the Galactic centre
  11. Zenia Zuraiq et al. 2024, Massive neutron stars as mass gap candidates: Exploring equation of state and magnetic field
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